Training Retreat


Through a series of dynamic presentations, transforming plenary sessions and challenging seminars you will be inspired, equipped, and refocused to reach your community.

3-5 Nov 2023 | Leonardo Hotel
Hinckley Island, Leicester, LE10 3JA


Know exactly when and where is the next big thing during this training.

Link to programme | Announcements

Experienced speakers and trainers from the British Isles and abroad.

Read their bios

If you would like to follow up, here is the full list of key people in RH Team.

See the ones who could help

Presentations, slides templates, banners, documents and more. 

Downloads & more

VIDEO - Reflecting Hope Sessions

Programme - CHOSEN


Arrival, registration, collect packs, orientation etc.
15:00 - 17:00


(served at London Suite)



Eglan Brooks

Presentation #1

Speaker: Gifford Rhamie
Vision: 'I saw the Lord' 

Download the Workbook

19:15 - 20:00

Presentation #2

Speaker: Ian Sweeney
Vision: 'Whom shall I send?'
20:00 - 20:45

Wrapping up

Catherine Boldeau


(served at London Suite)

from 6:30


Speaker: Heli Otamo-Csizmadia
Devotional: Chosen
9:00 - 9:30

Interactive Session #1

Guests: Reflecting Hope Teams
Topic: Mission Report from the fields
9:30 - 10:30

Interactive Session #2

Speaker: Michael Garkov
Topic: Digital Evangelism Report & Training

Listen: Hope Bites Podcast

10:45 - 11:45

Presentation #3

Speaker: Ganoune Diop
Vision: The Gospel | The Good News of Total Freedom

Download the presentation

11:45 - 12:45

Wrapping up

Catherine Boldeau
12:45 - 13:00


(served at London Suite)


Presentation #4

Speaker: Ganoune Diop
Application: The Imperative of Hope

Download the presentation

15:00 - 16:00

Interactive Session #3

Speakers: RH Team | Christian Salcianu & Michael Garkov
Topic: Evangelism cycle (I)

Link to Global TMI resources | Evangelism Cycle (Christian's Presentation)

16:00 - 17:00


(served at London Suite)


Interactive Session #4

Speaker: RH Team | Cathy Boldeau & Aftab Barki
Topic: Evangelism cycle (II), Q&A Session, Resources

Download Planner (Aftab's Presentation)

19:00 - 20:00

Presentation #5

Guests: Gifford Rhamie
Topic: Effective Bible studies

Download the Workbook

20:00 - 21:00


(served at London Suite)

from 6:30


Speaker: Ivana Mendez
Devotional: Chosen
9:00 - 9:30

Interactive Session #5

Group work
Preparation Planning
9:30 - 10:30

Interactive Session #6

Guests: Reflecting Hope Teams
Topic: Presentation of plans
10:45 - 11:45

Presentation #6

Speaker: Ian Sweeney
Mission: 'Send me!'
11:45 - 12:45

Wrapping up

Catherine Boldeau / Eglan Brooks
12:45 - 13:00


(served at London Suite)



Ian Sweeney

Ian Sweeney is the Field Secretary at the Trans-European Division (TED) and the Public Affairs and Religious Liberty Director for the TED.

Gifford Rhamie

Gifford Rhamie is the Founder and Executive Consultant at Rockstone Consultancy.

Ganoune Diop

Guanone Diop is the Director of the Public Affairs and Religious Liberty Department (PARL) at the Seventh-day Adventist Church world headquarters in Silver Spring, Maryland, USA.

Heli Otamo-Csizmadia

Heli Otamo-Csizmadia is the Stewardship Director for the Trans-European Division of Seventh-day Adventists.

Ivana Mendez

Ivana Mendez is Lecturer in Biblical Languages at Newbold College of Higher Education.

Michael Garkov

Michael Garkov is the ASI Europe Treasurer, leading the 'Reflecting Hope' Digital Evangelism (Adventist World Radio).

BUC Speakers & Facilitators



  • John Surridge, Executive Secretary
  • Wederly Aguiar, Treasurer
  • Jacques Venter, Associate Secretary
  • Steve Okelo, Associate Treasurer
  • Les Ackie, Family Ministries, Children's Ministries
  • Yunuen Carrillo, IT Department
  • Sam Davies, Media & Communication
  • Kevin Johns, Youth Department, Pathfinders
  • Lorraine McDonald, Education Department
  • Sam Ouadjo, Ministerial Association
  • Sharon Platt-McDonald, Women Ministries, Health Ministries, Adventist Community Services
  • Elisabeth Sangüesa, Stanborough Press Manager
  • Kirk Thomas, Personal Ministries Department


  • Michael Mbui and Royston Smith, SEC Personal Ministries Directors
  • Daniel Ebenezer and Patrick Herbert, NEC Personal Ministries Directors
  • Julian Kastrati, NEC Ministerial Association

Irish Mission

  • Dan Serb (president)
  • Ivan Petrovski (RH coordinator)

Scottish Mission

  • Jimmy Botha (president)
  • Wilfred Masih (RH coordinator)

Welsh Mission

  • Graham Allcock (president)
  • Adriana Fodor (RH coordinator)


1. Prayer Room (Conference room 13): Please feel free to use this room over the weekend to spend quiet time in prayer.

2. Mobile Phones: Please ensure that your phone is on silent mode or switched off during the Seminars.

3. Time-Keeping: We aim to run a punctual programme so that you have adequate time for rest and relaxation as well as learning. Please assist us to ensure that we keep to time.

4. Group Photo: We will be taking a group photo just before we break for lunch on Sabbath.

5. Resources: Please feel free to visit the BUC Resources Centre, Adventist Discovery Centre and the Stanborough Press to purchase your Bible study guides and other items over the weekend.

6. Meals: Please inform the hotel staff of any allergies.

7. First Aid: In the event of an accident or emergency, our First Aiders are on hand to assist, along with the hotel staff.

8. Check-out: Please note, check-out is by 11am on Sunday morning.

9. Partnership: Please ensure that you form partnerships with members from other Conferences and Missions. A spirit of collaboration is encouraged in our Union.