Take your time – I’ll wait. . . .
Most people struggle to think of such a song immediately. And if you think of hope as being ‘in the air, everywhere I look around . . .’ (John Paul Young), well, it makes sense, but the word ‘hope’ is not there – it’s ‘love’.
Try harder, as I’m pretty sure you’re already finding it a bit challenging.
Of course, there are songs that inspire hope, whether as a desire or as an expectation; whether the singer is waiting in confidence or aspiring with trust. You may have been touched by a sad story or by a catastrophic event shared in the news; you may think of the expectation that our team will win at the Olympic Games, or may be expecting a cruel diagnosis from your GP – all of these and more call us to think positive, to move on, to conquer, to believe in something beyond, to overcome the crisis, and even to imagine a better world.
To be sure, there are many famous quotes on ‘hope’ in literature, and key verses are being shared by the religions of the world. But how come there isn’t an easy-to-remember song on ‘hope’?
(To be sure, I could easily find some songs entitled ‘hopeless’ . . .)
Now, I do have a famous song on hope – and it’s in the title, in the chorus, in every stanza. Some of you may suddenly remember it. ‘We Have This Hope’, music and words composed by Wayne Hooper, way back in 1962.
He used to be a singer in the King’s Heralds quartet, and later became a music director for the ‘Voice of Prophecy’ radio station.
What if I told you that this song, ‘We Have This Hope’, is a key one for millions of people – that it’s like the battle hymn of an army?
No exaggeration: some 23 million people around the world know the tune and can whistle or sing it right away.
Have I got your attention now?
It is a powerful piece because it’s not just a song that fades away by the end of the year, and it’s surely not an empty slogan. It is indeed an affirmation of faith and a promotion of life, sung by people of hope.
No, you will not find it advertised on the buses. And yet, within the United Kingdom and Ireland there are tens of thousands of these hope-filled people. Some of them may be your neighbours, colleagues, people in the community.
These are people who not only sing about hope for a better life, but also live on average ten years longer than the general population, and they’re ready to reveal their secrets:
In the global village of the UK and Ireland, the people of hope speak your language, eat your kind of food, dress like you, and treat all people as equals.
There’s something about them, and it’s not just a song on hope, not just an aspiration. They are real . . . and I know it, as I am one of them. You can be one as well – living a meaningful life, reflecting hope.
Looking forward to welcoming you,
‘while we wait for the blessed hope – the appearing of the glory of our great God and Saviour, Jesus Christ’ (Titus 2:13).
We have this hope that
burns within our hearts,
Hope in the coming of the Lord.
We have this faith that
Christ alone imparts,
Faith in the promise of His Word.
We believe the time is here,
When the nations far and near
Shall awake, and shout and sing
Hallelujah! Christ is King!
We have this hope that
burns within our hearts,
Hope in the coming of the Lord.
We are united
in Jesus Christ our Lord.
We are united in His love.
Love for the waiting
people of the world,
People who need
our Saviour’s love.
Soon the heav’ns will open wide,
Christ will come to claim His bride,
All the universe will sing
Hallelujah! Christ is King!
We have this hope, this faith,
and God’s great love,
We are united in Christ.
Pastor Christian Salcianu is leading the Adventist Discovery Centre (UK & Ireland), a Bible Correspondence School and Resources Centre, based in Watford, England.
Coordinating its FreeBible programme, he recently authored 'The Message of Truth', a free course and a practical guide for a meaningful reading of the Bible.
If you’re crushed by many questions without answers, why not try The Power of Hope? Read & order a free copy.
DISCOVER is our most requested course, as it is designed for those engaged in a journey of discovery. You will find hope, meaning and purpose.