In my mind, at least, the next logical question would then be, ‘Is God bothered?’ Is God bothered about the world and the people in it? And, if we’re honest, what we really mean when we ask that question is . . . is God bothered about me? Is God bothered about my family? Is God bothered about those whom I care about?
As we look at our lives and as we see all the pain and suffering in the world, we could quite easily come to the conclusion: if God does exist, it seems clear that He’s not bothered!
Why might we come to that conclusion? Quite simply, because if God was bothered – and if He was truly all-powerful and a God of love, as many Christians describe Him – why would He not do something to stop it all and make the world a better place? So, because He doesn’t, we come to the conclusion: is God bothered? Answer: no.
However, ironically, I believe that I’ve discovered in my life that God actually is bothered – contrary to what may seem logical at first glance! So, why on earth would I have come to that conclusion?
Personally, I’ve come to the firm conclusion that the answer to this question is – yes! So, why?
Quite simply: from my own personal experience that what the Christian Bible says about God is correct. Let me give you just one example.
One of Jesus Christ’s first-century followers was a fellow by the name of Matthew. A Gospel writer, he records the words of Jesus Christ, who we find claims to be God in human form. Matthew remembers Jesus as saying,
‘And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.’ (Matthew 10:30)
Now, this is not speaking about God’s counting skills! Rather, it’s sharing that concept that God Himself knows us intimately. We may not grow up realising that God knows everything about us, but the Christian Bible suggests that He does! And actually, God is not put off by knowing everything about us! Quite the opposite, in fact. Matthew goes on to suggest that we are of immense worth to God, despite our shortcomings.
So, is God bothered about me? Accor-ding to the Bible it’s a resounding ‘Yes.’ Absolutely He is. It may even be the case that we’re not bothered about Him; but He is still bothered about us.
I first came to the personal understan-ding that God was really and truly bothered about me when I was around 20 years old. I asked God, if He existed, to help me with something in particular. And you know what? I got an answer from God. And it was then that it
really struck me that God is bothered – and not just about everyone else, but also about me.
Now, if you’re not sure that God is bothered about you – why not ask Him to prove to you that He is? What harm can it do to try – and see if He answers you like He answered me!
Again, I’ve personally come to the conclusion that He is. Why? From how my own personal experience seems to have validated what the Christian Bible says.
There’s a story which is recorded as having taken place in the 9th century BC. It’s about this lady whose husband dies and leaves her in debt. She cannot afford to pay back the debt, and she is worried that she’ll have her two sons taken away from her to pay the debt. As you can imagine, she is distraught.
As the story goes, God performs a miracle through one of His prophets – and the lady comes into enough money so as to be able to pay off her debt, and her two sons remain safely with her (2 Kings 4:1-7).
While that story of God being bothered about that family took place around 2,900 years ago, I can honestly say that I also believe that I’ve experienced God’s care over my own family – many times, in fact.
About 15 years ago my family and I were trying to figure out where to live. We were praying about it and searching and searching. And, without going into all the specific details – we experienced God’s blessing and ended up in a house right round the corner from my parents-in-law. What we didn’t know at the time was how important that was going to be over the coming few years, as my wife struggled with clinical depression.
From that personal experience I became absolutely convinced that God was not only bothered about me, but about my family and our future as well.
So, is God bothered? Is God bothered about you, about your family, about your loved ones? If you’re unsure – why not ask Him to prove to you that He is? What harm can it do to try?!
Pastor Adam Keough is the Executive Secretary of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Ireland, based in Dublin.
Adam is married to Heather and they have two teenage children, Olivia and Jacob. Adam is a passionate supporter of Liverpool FC. He has authored a number of articles published by FOCUS magazine and enjoys the opportunity to write now and again.
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