Reflecting Hope in West Ireland

15 — 21 May 2023

Events in Limerick and Newmarket-on-Fergus churches
On Sunday, April 16th, a group from Limerick and Newmarket-on-Fergus churches got together in the heart of Limerick city to distribute books on health and hope.
They distributed the books “The Power of Hope”, “Health and Wellness” and also invitations to the health seminars that were going to be happening at Limerick church during the week.
Besides the seminars on mental health, every night there was also a moment for healthy recipes.
Cork and Tralee churches activities
Cork City was impacted by a group from Cork Adventist Church, where they made themselves visible to the city by distributing flyers for the series of meetings about “Facing the giants in your life”. The series focused on the reality of these giants in life, and how we conquer them only through Christ, and with Him constantly on our side.
In Tralee, there was also a group on the streets with booklets and flyers for the series focusing on family. These series of meetings were a great opportunity to strengthen family relationships and encourage them to be God's grace instruments to the communities around them.